Y Axis = 'hat(0 Up, 0 Down)'To Browse All N64 Roms. BIOS files and machine configurations: blueMSX Required for MSX games (except some cartridge games covered by the unofficial C-BIOS file). It’s a bit clunky, but one workaround is to install Retroarch into a second, separate folder so that you have two separate versions of Retroarch – one that runs GL cores and the other for Vulkan.We’re assuming you already have a collection of N64 roms ready to go (and that you own the original copies of the games). Over here, we have a great selection … Remember, again, that you’ll need to set your video drivers in Retroarch to “gl” for this to work.Open Mupen64Plus much like ParaLLel N64. Nintendo Famicom (NES) Famicom Disk System BIOS Required for FDS emulation. The N64 is one of the most controversial consoles ever made. N64 bios files Drivers -> Video,” change the “gl” plugin back to “vulkan,” then restart Retroarch again.